Infidelity & Beyond
We talk about topics that focus on not only surviving but thriving after being betrayed by a partner or spouse. It can be one of the most traumatic times of your life, and feel very lonely. And that’s why we’re here. So welcome, this is your safe space.
Infidelity & Beyond
2 - The Rukus
Rukus: A row, a commotion, a fuss, an uproar. A state or situation where people may be angry or upset.
This week I talk about finding out and and I share my top tips for surviving the crisis.
The key to all of this is TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF. I would also add that your kids are a very close second, but remember what they say about your oxygen mask in a plane – put yours on first before helping others, otherwise you are no good to anyone.
I welcome questions and feedback about anything we talk about, or anything you'd like to suggest we talk about. Contact me at podcast@infidelityandbeyond.com. I’d love to hear from you