Infidelity & Beyond
We talk about topics that focus on not only surviving but thriving after being betrayed by a partner or spouse. It can be one of the most traumatic times of your life, and feel very lonely. And that’s why we’re here. So welcome, this is your safe space.
Infidelity & Beyond
5 - Maitri
On this week's episode we talk Maitri. What the hell is Maitri you ask? It’s a Sanskrit word. Sanskrit is an ancient language popular with spiritual teachings such as Hindism and Bhuddism. The meaning of the word maitri that tends to be translated as unconditional love and friendship with yourself. It’s acceptance of who you are. It’s about a loving kindness and support to yourself, by yourself.
It is how you would treat your best friend in the world, your children, your dog. Yet sometimes we find it hard to treat ourselves with the kindness, empathy and love that we show the other important beings in our lives.
So how can we bring loving kindness to ourselves?